Hello, I’m Chia-Chien 👋

I am a research scientist of Human-Centric AI (HAI) at NEC Labs Europe and a PhD student at UMANLP of Data and Web Science Group at University of Mannheim, Germany. I am working in Natural Language Processing (NLP) field under the supervision of Prof. Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Prof. Goran Glavaš. My research interests are domain and language specialization methods with the concerns of efficient domain- and language-transfer techniques.

Besides academic experience, bridging the gap between research and practice is one of my goals to achieve. I was involved in an industrial project Multi2ConvAI funded by BW Ministry of Business during my PhD with two companies: inovex and Neohelden. The project is aimed at bringing cutting-edge representation and transfer learning models to commercial conversational AI systems. The overall project is packed in a python package: multi2convai.

I enjoy outdoor activities: camping 🏕️ , hiking ⛰️ , scuba diving 🤿 . I completed my first full marathon 🏃‍♀️ in September 2022.